When you click on the Box above you will go to the secure login for HOA Life. After you login you can update your contact information, view and respond to violations, message HOA management, view documents, report CC&R violations, and report asset deficiencies.
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: If you live in or own a condo in White Oak Village I'm interested in hearing from you. If you have suggestions please use the Contact Us form or stop by the clubhouse and fill out a form hanging on the bulletin board and drop it in the suggestion box by the door. If you are interested in serving on the Rules & Regulations Review Committee please use the Contact Us form. Understand that only a limited number will be selected and appointed. Thanks! Dennis McDonald
WINTER WEATHER NOTICE: The winter ice and snow storms have hit hard. Our snow removal company is doing its best to keep up. It is important for you to take responsibility for your own health and safety. Be careful of snow and ice sliding off of roofs. With the constant thawing and freezing watch out for black ice on sidewalks and driveways. We suggest having a bag of kitty litter on hand and spread it over any ice to help make it less slippery until the snow removal company comes back around to treat again. Check on your neighbors and let's all work together to safely get through this winter weather.
General Notices
STAY INFORMED: Check your email often for messages from White Oak Village and visit the White Oak Village website often. We work to keep our owners up to date through those two methods. Also, you can view the monthly calender in the monthly newsletter that is sent out by email or you can view the calendar right here on the home page of our website. If you have suggestions please use the Contact Us form or stop by the clubhouse and fill out a form hanging on the bulletin board and drop it in the suggestion box by the door.
Committee Updates: There are opportunities to help make White Oak Village an even better place to live by serving on a committee. Please contact Dennis McDonald, President If you have interest and would like more information. Volunteers are needed for Maintenance Committee, Neighbor2Neighbor Committee and the Ad-Hoc (temporary) Rules & Regulations Review Committee. Use the Contact Us form and indicate your interest. Thank you so much.
Maintenance Sections: The White Oak Village Maintenance Committee has identified five maintenance sections within the Village for rotating maintenance. To see the sections you can visit the Documents Page or click here Maintenance Sections By Color
Contact Information: Please login to your Owner's Portal to keep your contact information updated with the correct phone number(s), email address(es) and mailing address or notify the Secretary of the Association of any changes.
Clubhouse Rental: Here's a reminder - as an owner you can rent the clubhouse for family reunions, birthdays or anniversaries or other events when you need more space for a nominal fee. Please see the Clubhouse Rental Agreement on the Documents page. The person to contact is Gretchen Soards.
Dues Payment Reminder: Dues payments must be made so as to reach the White Oak Condo Association by the 1st of the month. Payments arriving after the 10th are considered late and late fees will be added to your account.
Parking Reminder: Vehicles must be parked inside your garage at all times. Exception is between the hours of 10am and 4pm when you may park in front of your closed garage door.
Mulch Beds: Nothing is permitted in or on any mulch bed except a) solar lights b) edging c) shepherd's hooks d) freestanding hose box. Please review the White Oak Village Condominium Rules and Regulations for complete description.
Dennis McDonald, President
Gretchen Soards, Vice-President
Peggy Bern, Secretary
Jinny Teague, Treasurer
Saundra Gano, Director
Don Mueller, Director
Linda Stone, Director
Dean Ward, Director
Donna Young, Director